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Serving Others Makes Life Better


 “You can be more effective together than apart. In a truly healthy relationship, we enable each other to accomplish more than we could have done alone.

This was His plan.” –  Francis Chan


 Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them: if prophecy, in proportion to our faith;  if service, in our serving; the one who teaches, in his teaching;  the one who exhorts, in his exhortation; the one who contributes, in generosity; the one who leads, with zeal; the one who does acts of mercy, with cheerfulness.

Romans 12:6-8 



The Worship Team serves the church by utilizing

their skills as vocalists and instrumentalists on stage

on Sundays to create a worship experience that is

life-giving and saturated with the presence of God. 


This team prepares coffee on Sunday mornings as a way to say good morning and serve the church family. The word hospitality comes from two words: love + newcomers. That is what we want to do every Sunday.  


Set Up

Currently we are meeting in the Southside Auditorium on Sundays. This means we have to prepare and

set up the kids space, lobbies, and auditorium.

This team comes early to set up and get the

facility ready for the day. 


The front door is our first impression.

We want a team smiling and welcoming people as they come in from the parking lot. The greeters 

love to engage guests and are able to notice  and respond if anyone needs help.   


Compass Kids

The Kids Check-In Team creates a welcoming environment and assists families with checking in, dropping off, and picking up children in our elementary and nursery/preschool areas.



The Production Team facilitates an impactful, distraction-free worship experience through the use

of lighting, video technology, and audio engineering.


Care Team

We want to care for our membership. This ministry is like a typical deacon ministry but is not as formal. The care team prays daily, watches weekly, and checks on people monthly. Each care team leader has an assigned group of people they adopt and aim to care for. 


Student Ministry

Our student ministry team is a group of people who love teens and are passionate about helping them to know they are loved. This team works to minister to students through small groups, events, and relationships. 

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Small Groups

Our Small Group Teams are made up of three team members.


Hosting small groups is a perfect way to serve in the church. We love to see people in each others' living rooms around open bibles and in the kitchen around good food and good conversation. This team facilitates our small groups by opening up their homes. One of the primary ways we love each other as a church is in our small groups. We will grieve with those that grieve and rejoice with those that rejoice. We will notice when someone is missing and we will care for each other. This team is made up of all our care team leaders in small groups. Small group leaders are a crucial part of our church. As a church grows larger it must grow smaller and more intentional. Our small group leaders make up a team of people who teach and lead our small groups. 



We set aside 20% of our budget for missions. This includes direct missionary support, IMB and NAMB support and local association support including IBA and ABSC. It also includes mission trips, mission conferences, and local missional outreaches.

This team will serve to help logistically. 



Our women’s ministry is rooted in prayer and centered around friendships and bible study. The Titus 2 ministry can be found on our website. It is an intergenerational women’s ministry that meets throughout the year in 9 week sessions. The women’s ministry team will work to encourage women in prayer and in building relationships with one another. 



Our men’s ministry is rooted in prayer and growing weekly. The team of men who serve on this team will seek to engage men in the church and encourage them. They will also host events and men’s accountability groups. We meet at the Whistle Stop Cafe on Thursday mornings at 5:15 AM



The Usher Team serves during the service to help people find a seat, receive the offering, hand out things when needed and be ready when things need to be done to help the service function smoothly. 



The security team provides watch care over our services and are first responders if they are needed. Providing a safe environment so that families can worship is a high priority for our congregation.



The Baptism Team prepares for the baptisms by filling the baptistry, assisting the candidates, and being on hand to help with with towels and clean up. 



The Communion team prepares for the communion by preparing the elements, assisting the congregation, and being on hand to help with the distribution and clean up afterwards. 


The A Team

The administration Team uses the gift of administration to collect and maintain data to ensure information is secure, complete, and accurate so that everyone can take their next steps. They help manage the process of assimilation and help coach and coordinate the teams so that the church is functioning with excellence.



An informed people can be a responsive people. We work hard at communicating to the community, the congregation, and our core. This happens through emails, group threads, Facebook, and our website. As our church grows we have to manage our communication with the help of a creative team of writers, editors, photographers, and communicators. 



The Information Table Team helps guests get plugged in by helping them identify their next steps by providing resources and information about campuses, weekend services, Small Groups, Growth Track, conferences, and special events. 



The team is a group of people who support all the teams that make Sunday services happen. They are our quality management team that help us keep improving.  They help things run smooth and are available for problem solving.    



The Recovery Ministry Team helps serve the Recovery ministry through creating a welcoming environment at the Recovery meetings and bridging the way from Recovery into the life of the church family.



This team helps with the collection of the offerings and the management of the expense. This is our accounting team that serves the church through handling the funds.



This team provides childcare for families during events, training, and outreach. We want to help families be able to participate in the life of the church. Sometimes childcare is the best way to facilitate that engagement. 



Love is sometimes a hot meal delivered at a hard time. The cooking team will provide meal during times of need and coordinate food for events and ministries when needed. 

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Pure religion is this, to visit the widow in her affliction and meet the need of the orphan. We know this ministry is a high priority and this team will work with our staff and membership to meet the needs of people in the community. 



From camps to Bible schools to mission trips our church is on the move. We have something going on all the time. The team will help meet the need of our active church by facilitating transportation.

Hand Pile of Happy Group


The Prayer Team provides prayer covering for services, conferences, teams, and ministries. We have a 9:20 AM Prayer time every Sunday morning.


Local Outreach

Throughout the year we have a team that loves to get out and serve the community. This team helps meet practical and spiritual needs by serving and supporting outreach Initiatives like serving hot chocolate at the local football games, Easter Outreach, Mother’s Day Outreach, Back to School Outreach, Thanksgiving Meals, and more.


Operation Christmas Child

Each year we pack shoeboxes and participate in the Operation Christmas Child ministry. It is a great way to share Jesus across the world. This team helps our church prepare and takes care of the details of this ministry.


Medical Response

 The First Aid Team is a team of individuals with Basic Life Support certification that provide guests with assistance and basic first-aid care.



The Legacy Team is called and equipped to finance the Kingdom of God and to leave a legacy through the gift of giving. We consider every giver a part of our giving team no matter how big or how small their offering. Over 150 givers gave last year to fund the ministry of the church and we thank God for every gift and every giver.

This team encourages, communicates, and appreciates givers. 


Growth Track

The Growth Track Team helps everyone attending the Growth Track classes find their place in the local church, discover their God-given purpose, and make a difference serving on a ministry Team.


Interested in Serving?

Take the next step in joining a Team by attending the next Growth Track event. The Growth Track is designed to help equip you to live life as a fully-devoted follower of Christ and will help you discover and fulfill your God-given purpose within the local church.

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