Purpose Statement
To help people find freedom from hurts, habits and hang-ups including addictions, compulsive and dysfunctional behaviors.
We all experience brokenness in life. Many of us experience it through unmet expectations, unfair circumstances, or destructive decisions that lead to sin and pain. Others may experience it in discontentment and frustration with their current life. Regardless of how we experience brokenness, we know that something is wrong.
We believe anyone can experience life as God intends. The way we seek to help is through a 12 step discipleship program based on the principles of healing and life transformation laid out in Scripture. The tired, broken, hurting, and struggling are invited to find hope and healing in Jesus Christ.
Large Group meets at 5:45 pm on Monday Nights at Mt Zion Church
This is where everyone meets together to worship and hear either a recovery centered Teaching or a personal Testimony of a changed life. We consider this a “shoulder to shoulder” experience.
Open Share Groups meet afterwards.
This is the time we break into separate gender and issue specific groups where each person is safe to share their struggles and victories with others who share their similar hurts, hang-ups and habits. We consider this a “face to face” experience.
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