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Compass CARES

The Bible says that we will be known by the way we love one another. Our care ministry is our way to be intentional in our care for each other. When babies are being born, when trouble comes, when death happens  the Bible tells us to grieve with those who grieve and rejoice with those who rejoice. This team commits to serving others on a rotation.


I give you a new command: Love one another. Just as I have loved you, you are to love one another. By this everyone will know you are my disciple if you love one another.  John 13:34-35

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Submit a request 
​​This ministry is primarily a church family ministry. Jesus said that people will know that we are his disciples by the way we love one another. If you attend the church, we want to make sure to surround you with people who care and express our love Through Providing Meals and Encouragement. This submission will be sent to our team and they will contact the expecting mother or Family that is grieving. ​​

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"For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well." Psalm 139:13-14

To do as Christ commands and love our fellow church members. For the church to efficiently provide those in need with comfort and support. To help meet both practical and spiritual needs. 
Ten teams consisting of ten people from our church family will commit to meeting the needs of individuals in the church on a rotating basis. When contacted by their team leader, the team members will take meals, send gift cards, bring diapers and love those in need. The number of teams will expand as this ministry grows.
Care Ministry Coordinator:
Reviews the list of submitted names and reasonings. Determine what type of care is called for in the situation. Look at the written guidelines of how the church will respond to the need or situation. Notify the team leader of the name, situation, and care plan. 
Team Leader:
Contact the person in need and ask how we can love and serve them. Be willing to talk with them, pray with them, and assure them that they are loved and will be cared for. Identify the needs and organize their team to meet them. Contact their team members with specific requests (ex. Meals, gifts, cards, gift cards). Create a schedule for delivery. Discuss what times and how the recipient wants to receive meals. Offer visits or porch drop off and make sure your team is aware of their preference.  Send out reminders to their team and ensure the needs are met. 
Team Member:
Pray for the individual or family. Commit to taking a meal or giving a gift. 
All Church Members:
Submit names of those in our church who are going through major life events (ex. Losing a close family member, expecting a child) so that the church can mobilize and care for them.


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