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Currently, our men are meeting on Thursday mornings at the Whistle Stop Cafe at 5:15 AM. We pray through scripture for 45 minutes and finish the meeting at 6:00 AM. This allows men to get back home for family or on to work.  We have a good number of men who stay and have breakfast together. It has become one of our favorite times of the week.


Shane Sisk

“I have prayed words, words I learned from listening to my father, brothers, and men of the church I attended as a youth. Same prayer every night, every holiday, every occasion for 51 years.  In a short time attending this prayer breakfast I have come to understand prayer isn’t about my words. It’s about opening my heart, clearing my mind, entering Gods Room and listening. A simple conversation with God about what’s on my heart. I have more peace now than anytime in my life. I highly recommend every man get involved with this mission.” 

Jody Smotherman

"A good indication that God is at work is when His people are compelled to and committed to praying together.  Week after week we get to witness God at work among us at the men’s prayer time. We hear from God’s Word, work through it together, and pray about it in small groups together. It is a highlight of the week. 

It is a time of life-building and disciple-making in a pure, authentic, and relational way! I have never experienced a prayer group like this. It’s wonderful and I thank God for it! " 

Chris Insell

"I think the most impactful part for me has been being surrounded by a group of older men who love God and who are willing to look at themselves to continue to grow. There is a hunger to see God move in our hearts and in the hearts of our family and community. It is evident in the meeting each week and the number of men that come is so encouraging. I also really appreciate the word by word approach of looking at and mediating on the word of God. It is changing my heart and drawing me closer to God. It has definitely impacted me and I look forward to it each week. " 

Shannon Smith

I would like to invite you to a lunch every Thursday at Coltens Steakhouse at 12:05 PM . I have been coming to the breakfast for more than a year. In my 57 years on this earth I can’t remember anything that I have enjoy more or that has help more to be a better man, father, and husband. It has helped me in becoming the spiritual leader that I so desperately need to be for my family 

Tyler Godush

“I’ve been in youth ministry now for close to 5 years. A reoccurring theme with young people and their trauma has been a male figure in their life, or a lack there of.  Because of this, I have been grieved so deeply by men. For my own traumas of course, but for those young people as well.

I say all this, to reaffirm what is happening on Thursday morning is so special. Men striving to be Christ like. It gives cause for hope, while we have it in Jesus always, it is nice to have it here as well. Because good Godly men can be such a rarity, I cling to them. And I cherish them in my life. Thursday mornings are a reminder that there is hope. And that there are still good, Godly men.”

Scott Perkey

"Men’s prayer meeting, It’s Challenging and so Refreshing! Challenging to get up at 4:45 to go, but so refreshing to be around a group of men that are great Christian men and open to share the (experience) of there relationship with God through scripture study and praying. It’s a real time of encouragement and reminder to include Jesus in everyday living thought process, and including God in daily conversations."


  1. Read the verse and emphasize different words or phrases in the text. 

  2. Consider key phrases as prayers and turn them into personal prayers. 

  3. Let your mind be provoked by the text and the Spirit prompt you. 

  4. Pray about what comes to mind and share within a group to benefit from one another’s insight. 

  5. Find a theme or common thread in the passage you’ve read. 

  6. Search the text for how it speaks to your current situation and hear from the Lord. 

  7. Remember: Prayer is primarily about being in the presence of God.


Let’s take a moment and consider going through the next 40 days of prayer together.  Whether it is done one day after another or as a weekly prayer time with friends, take a moment and pray about praying. 2 Timothy is line after line of things that will help mature a christian’s faith. Life is terribly busy so put this as a priority in your schedule.

1. Establish time together with each other on a regular basis.

2. Read 2 Timothy over and over and it will be mutually edifying.

3. Join together in prayer with the aim of developing spiritual maturity.

4. Create a time to encourage, equip, and prepare one another. 

5. Be intentionally relational through faithfulness together in prayer.  

6. Invite others who have a kindred spirit to join you.

Download our Praying 1 Timothy Prayer Guide


"and when they perceived the grace that was given unto me, James and Cephas and John, they who were reputed to be pillars, gave to me and Barnabas the right hands of fellowship, that we should go unto the Gentiles, and they unto the circumcision;” Galatians 2:9 


They were pillars of the church.

They were perceptive men. 

They were men of repute. 

They were men of authority. 

They were men of discernment. 

They were men of encouragement.



Our prayer for men. We pray that in your own lives you will find increased stability, faithfulness, and spiritual maturity. It starts with surrender in the presence of God. He is the source of our strength, longevity, and impact. We are praying for men like those who Paul called pillars of the church. Every church needs stable men who are willing to take responsibility. Men who hold others up. We pray that God is making you into a man like these men in Galatians 2:9. They were not perfect men but they were faithful men.

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